Real love can and does exist. Not for the faint of heart, love entails dedication and commitment, along with the responsibilities that come with this type of devotion to allow another person into your soul and life energy.
- Dr. Arlene KriegerBoth sexes commit as many transgressions as their partners; there is no “better gender” among us. Our differences ultimately make us stronger, not weaker.
- Dr. Arlene KriegerI challenge the men and women brave enough to engage and involve themselves in the relationship, to ask for equal dedication, respect, and commitment from their partners.
- Dr. Arlene KriegerWe have become a throwaway society, for the most part. “Tick us off, look away when we’re speaking to you, jump on board the bigger and better option, because it’s there and you can” has become the MO of our relational society today.
- Dr. Arlene KriegerAt present we are now faced with a more radical, powerful and impactful change in the very base nature of the human relationship, and ultimately in how we meet our mates. We as humans have never encountered these social challenges before. Never in the history of mankind have the rituals of pairing off, been so accessible.
- Dr. Arlene KriegerThese stories may normalize the bonds you’ve created in your own voyage with your partner. Here you are invited to begin a journey into the “real normal of human relationships.
- Dr. Arlene KriegerLove comes in many shapes and forms, meaning that we all love differently. This is not simply a decision of how to love another person but is greatly informed often by a person’s family of origin…and how they learned to love.
- Dr. Arlene KriegerCan those feelings ever come back as strong as in the beginning? For many, sexuality is still a mysterious, misunderstood, complex problem continuously arising in their relationships and daily interactions.
- Dr. Arlene KriegerAlways indelibly passionate, sometimes dark, yet scrumptiously appealing to our primal senses. If you happen to see yourself in these echoes of love and life, hopefully, these accountings of mortal narratives, and layers of humanity— will inspire you to create fuller and truer relationships.
- Dr. Arlene KriegerIt is only human to want to be truly seen, acknowledged and adored, by the one that captures our hearts.
- Dr. Arlene KriegerWe as humans are not naturally monogamous creatures. We can love many persons in a lifetime and love them differently, separately, with great affection and passion—loving them with no rhyme or reason, often times confusing us beyond imagination, wreaking havoc on all involved.
- Dr. Arlene KriegerPeople say they are looking for perfection in a partner. Love, however, is not ever perfect. It is irrational, passionate, and complicated.
- Dr. Arlene KriegerThroughout my years as a clinical sexologist and marriage and family therapist, the reoccurring issues and questions of why love becomes boring and stale have always been at the forefront of most relationship problems. What does the term love even mean in the social context of our time? Rather than write a clinical book on these issues, I composed this book, a free fall of stories revealing the most obscure and yet cutting themes of love, lust, and relationships.
You will be delighted and shocked, and at times puzzled, by the things we do to each other in the name of love. These stories will have you offended and excited, unable to look away, knowing that you will see yourself somewhere in these psychic wounds of love and war.
This is the best collection of human stories to date. Written from a sexologist’s observations of the birth and death of relationships, your experiences of love and life would be poorer without it. Thirteen exquisite tales give us the often tragic, romantic, sexy realms of what really happens behind closed doors. This collection is both dangerously funny and heartbreaking. Does a “living happily ever after” relationship actually exist? Who makes it? What breaks it? Here you will find the answers, offered up to you and invited into the real normalcy of the human condition of love and lust.
Not every story here will speak to you, however, it is said that “Truth is singular,” and its many versions are often mistruths. So our belief systems often become our interpretations of the universe we dwell in and, therefore, our own individual truths. Who is the victim or villain in these vignettes of love and yearning? Willing or innocent, predators or provocateurs, we are all equally part of the human species and want a human connection.